Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Last week we had a brainstorming session with our graphic designer and architect to develop the style & personality of the vineyard & buildings together with the name and branding of our future wines. Our plan is to have this completed by end of the year.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


As spring is in full swing we have planted several new fruit trees on the boundaries of the property and on the other internal sideroads to improve the park and scenic views of our vineyard. Also we replaced the damaged wineplants, which did not survive last year's summer or were frozen during this unusual harsh winter.


We have almost completed to refurbish the larger house of our property- this building will be used to accomodate our supervisor and allow me to have an own working studio to spend the days, while working in Mendoza. We are currently making the final decision on colour and set up the roof of our buildings to give the property an improved image.


On october 2 we finished protecting the entire 30 hectare planted vineyard with a black net to be well prepared for the upcoming thunderstorms and hails, which are expected to start this month. Last year several neighbouring vineyards were severly damaged.